Why winning "Best of Des Moines" at the 2022 48 Hour Film Project means something

After participating in the Des Moines 48 Hour Film Project for 11 years, Tiny Explosions has won the big prize; Best of Des Moines.

This was an absolute shock, for everyone on the team.  I think we all have gotten used to attending Best of City just to see our film on the big screen one more time. To see our film called as the big winner knocked us all out. There were legit WTFs flying and tears falling. Our 2022 submission "The Run" is in no way a traditional award winner of any sort. It is a broad comedy that relies on body humor that frequently gets associated with middle schoolers, with some moments that will seriously make your brow furrow, turn your head, and ask the open air "What the hell did I just watch?" And I love it.

See what I mean? I am pretty proud of the edit, the look, the performances, but for this story to take home any prizes is surprising. The top prize? Just typing that makes me shake my head and wonder if there was a ballot counting error.

If you've read any of my previous posts summing up the annual Tiny Explosions 48 HFP adventures, you know my stance on awards. All awards are nice, but hard to understand. The top award probably means the most because it says the judges like that film hit all the notes exceptionally well. That being said, I'm not banging my chest and screaming Tiny Explosions in anyone's face.

No, winning this award means something I did not anticipate. Tiny Explosions makes ridiculous comedies. We dance in the genre we are handed but you can guarantee we'll turn in a laugher that has a heavy dose of silliness. Seeing how happy everyone on the team, and connected to the team is, makes me feel so good.  I'm someone who lives for collective joy. This is darn near the pinnacle of collective happiness and a sense of accomplishment. 

I would've given a five minute speech where I thank ever single person on the team past and present but I was legitimately in shock. Other than loving our film and soaking in the uproarious laughter from the audience, I had zero expectations of "The Run" winning Best of City.

We are most definitely a team. Our team turns out to screenings, returns every year, and celebrates because our films are a "bring your own sensibilities" salad. Every member of the team earned that prize. We didn't win by changing ourselves or experimenting. We produced something that is possibly the most exemplary version of a Tiny Explosions film and I don't think anyone had anything short of a blast doing it.

If I ruled with an iron fist, our films would be drastically different. But I made a decision after the first year to make something everyone has ownership over. 48 is not the venue to make Pat's satirical sous-serious masterpiece. The Run is not perfect, but the vibe rides at high tide the entire runtime and the writing & acting overcomes the moments where the technical is a bit shaggy. I look forward to watching this every year before we jump back in to the 48 waters.

This year's 48 experience was the most joyful from start to finish. We came to our idea quickly, shot something on Friday night, and laughed with literally every take. Plus, Brian and I spent all Sunday detailing the edit together, reshooting the ending, and doing some folly work. This year was the template for future Tiny Explosions filmmaking experiences. Leave your ego, bring your laugh, and let's see what we can do together.

Unlike last year, I was able to attend both screenings of our film and got a chance to see somewhere around half of the films in the competition. What are my personal top three?

1. “That Guy in Brown” by Triples is best- Musical

Simple, fun, hilarious with smart gags and good callback jokes. Really looking forward to what this crew makes going forward.

2. “Soul Postal Service” by Team last to enter- Romance

I love when the long standing teams stay in it. Especially when they deliver good stuff. I loved the concept of this film. The sweeter elements in it were really touching. Looked great, acted great, and location mania. Had probably the single biggest laugh of Best of City.

3. “BITCH” by Peach Fuzz- Dark Comedy

I live for challenging films. BITCH had my brain running well into the next day. I thought I knew what they were going for but it wasn't spelled out. I've talked to one of the key team members and got some insight I won't share. This film gave no quarter and ended with a great closing punch and a killer closing song.

Well, I guess that's it. What a wild ride. So proud of everyone and can't wait to do it again... in two months! For the Des Moines Horror 48 Film Project. Stay tuned for a film coming soon from "Tiny Possessions." 


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