
Showing posts from August, 2018

La Palle Dolce

And thus the sunset has set on Palle Amorevoli 's time on the screen. That's right, the Des Moines 48 Hour Film Project season has come to a close for 2018, and our latest and zaniest film is officially out in the wild for general audiences to enjoy. Each year is a roller coaster. Some years you know you have some special, some years are a little more shaky. This year I knew we had some thing... special*. Yes you're reading that right; italics and an asterisk. If you have yet to see the film, Palle Amorevoli is a romantic musical set inside a bitter bowling anti-romantic comedy. The quick synopsis is "A delusionally romantic bowling alley chef falls for his musical whims and discovers two of his alley's balls have found love; however, just as their romance buds, bitter bowling rivals threaten to end it." I'll save the musical portion of it for you to discover inside the film. Once again, we didn't win any judges awards. Instead we walked away...

LinkedIn doesnā€™t care about cool

This article was first published by If you are privy to the sways of pop culture and technology, you are probably aware of how uncool LinkedIn is. Don't buy into that. Yes, LinkedIn isn't ā€œcool,ā€ but when it comes to business cool is only a priority in marketing. While LinkedIn is part of the social media marketing universe, it is in very far off galaxy from the cool social networks. Your business use for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and potentially even YouTube is all about marketing your business as something to admire, envy, or desire. LinkedIn is only about that for one reason, attracting talented job seekers. Now if you're hoping to attract in demand creatives who could possibly rebrand your company as culturally cool, chances are you wont be finding them on LinkedIn; however, LinkedIn does have its role and never in the history of the website was it worried with what TMZ or any late night hosts said about it. The reason you s...

Clear your Desk with a Document Scanner

This article was first published by If there is one piece of technology your office needs to invest in as soon as possible it is a document scanner. Unless your business is super ahead of the curve, you undoubtedly have piles, drawers, and cabinets full of old documents. It doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re a 100 year-old business or a 1 year-old business, the paper storage and paper waste struggle is real. Thankfully there is very few instances where you need to keep hard copies of anything. Of course if youā€™re a lawyer or immigration official you might say otherwise, but on the whole 95% of the paper sitting around our offices is superfluous. Now you might be thinking ā€œwe have a copy machine with built in scanning functionality, why do I need a dedicated, uni-tasker piece of technology.ā€ See all-in one machines are fantastic; they allow for more floor space, fewer places to go if you need to print, scan, or fax, but that all demands getting up and going somew...

Wrapping up Season 8 of Iowa Outdoors

Tonight marks the 29th episode of Iowa Outdoors for which I have been a producer; and yes, do I ever wish that was a beautifully round 30, but as Mick said 'you can't always get what you want." As of 6:57pm tonight, Iowa Outdoors has aired eight full seasons of programming. While I only started at IPTV in November 2014, I've been a fan of the show since it's second season. I love the outdoors and from the moment I saw a producer position for Iowa Outdoors was open I knew I was gonna get that job. Maybe that's arrogant but I prefer to think of it as star-crossed confidence. I'm a former boy scout, I love all outdoors experiences, and I make sure to include outdoor adventures in every vacation I take. So yeah, I had the skill and the drive so I was bound and determined to get the gig. Four years and three full seasons in, Iowa Outdoors has been everything I hoped it would be and more. I've covered fishing stories, hiking stories, conservation...

Scooters are a thing, just not in Iowa

This article was first published by In the season two South Park episode ā€œPrehistoric Ice Manā€ a guy named Larry is found frozen in ice and thawed, wherein they find he was frozen for three years. The locals react as if this ice man is truly prehistoric due to his dress and pop culture references being so dated. After some shenanigans the solution to send Larry to Des Moines as we are always behind the times culturally. As old as this joke is to Central Iowans, the creators of South Park deemed it worthy of a 20 minute build-up on their -at the time- red hot TV show. 20 years later, we here in the heartland like to think this joke no longer carries any weight; however, there are some definite examples of how Iowa is still waiting ever patiently for the coasts to tell us whatā€™s next. A small, and seemingly odd example is the tech craze of motorized scooters. Have you seen a motorized scooter recently? Definitely not around Des Moines or within the stateā€™s borders...