Snapping Back to #DM48HFP 2017

For Tiny Explosions ' 6th bout in the Des Moines 48 Hour Film Project we lucked into the opportunity to make either a "Road Movie" or Sci-Fi short. We decided to kind of do both, and the result was a film worthy of screening, titled Snap Back . Required Elements for this year's film included: Character : Freddy or Fiona Brown, poet Prop : Rubber Band Dialogue : "You heard what she said" While we did screen at Best of City this year, we didn't win any awards. A head-scratcher because why would our film screen again if it didn't receive any specific acclaim? Maybe we Being There'd ourselves . In the long run awards (outside of the overall winner or runner-up) are no big deal as you don't know how the judges graded and the recipients are almost always puzzling. As an example a couple of Tiny Explosions' past award wins have been confusing. The important thing is we're all exceptionally proud of the film and I don'...