
Showing posts from March, 2017

Respond to your site or sales will shrink

This article was first published by Letā€™s do a little experiment. Pull out your phone quick and plug in your companyā€™s website. Now you either see one of two things; either a shrunken recreation of the website youā€™ve grown used to seeing on your desktop or a neatly rearranged version of your siteā€™s content and navigation perfectly scaled for your phoneā€™s screen. If you found the neat version, congratulations your company is using responsive design and meeting the expectations of the modern consumer; however, if you found the shrunken facsimile letā€™s spend the next 300 words explaining why you need to embrace responsive design. As fast as technology seems to be advancing, the sad truth is the foundation for most innovation is the corpse of outdated technology. Everything and anything you can think of maybe connected to the internet, but all that content was built with a very 1993 interpretation of how it may be used, i.e. 20-inch screens and keyboards. Since 2013...

Think of the Customer with Payment Processors

This article was first published by Of all the things that should be simple, why is it accepting customer payments has become so frustrating? If you run a brick and mortar storefront, cash only makes things super easy for you but a horrid announce for your customers. If you run an online only business then e-commerce pretty much requires a credit card processing tool, but processing platforms or ā€œgatewaysā€ abound with varying different transaction and services fees. Finally, if you run a hybrid online-and-physical-storefront business you have added headache of adding card, cheaper, and NFC readers into your payment processing juggling act. Before you go any further, no there is not an easy one-size-fits all solution. Why not? Well look no further than Des Moines based payment start-up Dwolla who after six years of processing consumer payments for businesses killed its public app, deciding instead to focus its efforts on business payment solutions. Dwolla was ...