
Showing posts from October, 2016

Options beyond the business iPhone

This article was first published by For some businesses and job roles being in constant contact is paramount. It might be hard to stomach at first but sales personnel, account executives, c-suite level employees, department heads, and many other positions are never really off the clock. In order to keep these positions tuned in company issued devices are a necessity. A generation ago that meant laptops, then blackberrys, and recently it has turned to iPhones and iPads, but before you put in a large order of identical Apple products considerable the alternatives. First off we can discount any product lines that for all intents and purposes are dead or on life support. That means Blackberry and Microsoft phones are not options. If a platform is not in use by a massive consumer base that means developers aren't going to service it, which means anti-virus software and timely security updates are not available. Not exactly a situation an organization wants to will...

Rampant Intellectual Pickpocketing

This article was first published by Stealing is wrong. Right after we teach children to share, we have to teach them sharing doesnā€™t mean taking whatā€™s not yours. At that age theft means taking someone else's toys, bike, or seat in the family van, but as you get older it takes on all types of different meanings. Stealing someoneā€™s bike or wallet is an obvious concrete form of theft, poaching someoneā€™s girlfriend or taking credit for someone elseā€™s workā€¦ that misappropriation of an entirely different order. In these smaller examples it is obvious a wrong has been committed, itā€™s not until you get industry scale larceny that culpability becomes blurry. Case in point, the entire smartphone market is a disgusting mess of pilfered ideas. This fall, one of the biggest cases of intellectual property theft went before the supreme court. After years of battling in lower level courts Apple has finally got it's day in the highest court in the land to excuse Samsung ...