Back in the Classroom Again

Six years ago, when I graduated from Iowa State, I was done. Like all college students I lightly considered going to grad school but after 16 straight years of classrooms, I was done. Fast forward to January 2, 2012 and I'm un-done, and If we're being literal the title of this post is a lie, I'm telecommuting. First Question: What am I studying? In 18 months I hope to receive a "Masters of Applied Science in Information and Communications Technology" with an emphasis in Software Design and Programming. Back before my brain tuned out math, somewhere around 9th grade, I wanted to be a computer programmer. During college my tech interests started to comeback but never in the career path sense. Well now they have. I don't want to be a computer programmer, I dont want to be a web designer, I want to build programs. I get all these ideas in my head and I have some of the skills but not all. Well in 18 months I will have those missing skills. Second Quest...