Web Video is King

Mixed media is king. That is exactly what I've been saying for years and now there's research to back it up. AND OF COURSE! ... the info comes in fun video, behold:

This past April when I attended the National Association of Broadcasters convention I sat in on a lot of social media seminars -not so much for the information, but for verification. Every sessions mentioned if you want eyeballs, and loyal web visitors, you need mixed media.

What is the #1 media they recommended? Video.

If web visitors only spend 48 seconds on your site how are they gonna remember you? Not from your boring text. Video hooks em. They want to know what you're showcasing. If it's short, they want to rewatch it. If it's long, and interesting enough, they'll share it. And if you're consistent showcasing quality, they'll return over and over and over...

These are the bedrock reasons for why when I shoot a video for an organization I push for them to put it on the front page of their website. People will stay on your site if you have something that locks them in. People skip complete sections of newspapers and magazines, but they'll sit for hours on TBS to watch re-runs of the some random Katherine Heigl film.

Kudos to YouOn for putting together such an awesome video.


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